Hola a todos, hey every one, bonjour tous le monde, gütten tag.
We needed two things to start this post. First an international "how are you" (check), and second, a cheesy line (almost check). If life is not about the amount of breaths you take but the amount of moments that take your breath away (cheesy line check), well I wont be fuckin breathing for 18 straight days, and ironically that's what life is all about. Thank you to everyone that supported me in this experience, and to all the ones that said I should go to university, or this year is a lost of time, I'll make sure that the pictures will be like a big finger in your face :). I now have to finish my luggages, that is pretty much made of t-shirts w or w/o sleaves, shorts, and a pair of freshly and illegaly bought ray bands... Oh yeah, we are exchange-student-awesome.
Trip of a lifetime, for sure, 100%. Being with people from every continent is way more then sufficient, but adding to that, an amazing background, this trip will be more amazing then my grandfather's mustache (salut papou).
Hopefully you wont be too jealous... Pffff, just kidding.
Bisou a la famille, et pour les amis, on se voit sur le gasibo dans 2 mois (si vous etes d'accord, ecrivez OUI sur mon mur de fb, jvais comprendre)
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