martes, 18 de enero de 2011


 Bonjour tout le monde, hello everyone, hola a todos. Just finished creating my blog, like you know by now. It's called the me and I in time. I still don't know what the ''t'' means. The adress is also the perfect explanation of what this blog is all about. For the title, gumption, it's a word I still don't know how to describe so much, except for the fact that I like it. They talk about it in the book I just finished, Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Book reccomended by my good friend Cullen O. Brown. It could also have been called, pour maman (wich means in french, for mom) because I'm pretty much doing it for her since she is worrying so much about me being in Mexico right now. Don't worry mom, I'm all good. Also, I had the idea of creating this blog when I wondered where am I going to put the pictures of my new camera (long story, but I still don't know if it's a nikon D3000 or D3100, that info will be posted soon), since the people that care the most about my pics; family, are not on my facebook, sorry dad. So here we go, hopefully I wont become lazy and I'll actually post some stuff: pictures, videos and funny thinking about depressive subjects.

p.s.: sorry to all the french community that this blog will be in english.

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